Friday, April 4, 2008

6A Families

While we travel through this life we are surrounded by so many people. People who are family, you can't choose your family, friends that enter your life through school, church, other friends, work and then their are seasons of life that take you to a place you never understand why. We have met, talked with, cried with, rejoiced with so many wonderful families during Katherine's journey. A journey that began on the 6A Floor of Vanderbilt here in Nashville.

Some I got to know just as true family, some I may have just waved at, smiled with and cried when I was told of their struggles. Others Kaye and I received the gift of love through, and cried when they were no longer with us here on this earth.

I can't even remember when I met Renee Garcia but Kennedy is a site we love to see. Katherine has kept up with so many beautiful children, large, small, young and older. As I check my email to see how to pray I went back to Renee's personal blog and noticed an area I guess I just did not see before, she has a list of all the kids she and Kennedy "look after" and also listed are the Angels who are now in heaven. As I read all the names of the Angels my heart broke because we have met so many of these angels, their sweetness entered our lives either on 6A, 6B or the clinic. I am thankful Renee keeps them on her blog because they in their on special way have helped us during our travel of this journey. Even our sweet Rachel who we loved getting to know and even a shopping day was on the calendar for her and Katherine.

God truly uses every person in our lives, every single one of them. I sure hope each of you always take the time to do what God whispers in your ear. That person just might need you right at that moment. Perhaps to stand in a hallway trying to understand what the doctors have said. In the late nights when you just can't find sleep. When you get good news and are afraid it won't last. When you stand for more than an hour in the kitchen area on 6A or 6B trying to fix some comfort food which for me was chicken noodle soup with potatoe chips and you end up sitting in the floor with the cup and talking with another mother so you won't wake the sleeping child in their room because they had been up for days throwing up or hurting and when you just need a hug through words.

The families on 6A & 6B then and now are special and have a special bond as they are working to walk through a battleground. I pray we all will find the peace that God's love, grace and healing will show.


Heather said...

You've been a comfort to so many...a rock for your own....and a shoulder for others who may not have someone.....No one chooses to be in 6A....but you've continued to be faithful servant, a faithful daughter there....You were Nani's special person we prayed for last you bunches

Truan Family said...

wow. really makes me put myself in 6A and think about things. life. and how truly blessed i am. know that you have most definitley been a huge blessing to so many others in 6A, to vandy in general - just lending an ear or a shoulder to cry on. love you guys!

Writeaway said...

You are a blessing to the people there --- and everywhere your feet touch.

I love you.

Mommy to those Special Ks said...

Hey Sharliss, this was a beautiful entry... One I totally identify with... there is nowhere on earth like 6A. I have a slideshow in progress that I need to finish... if you have pics of KJ in clinic or inpatient, with doctors, or nurses or you... anything at Vandy, I would love to include her!! You can just email them to me.

I was not at Vandy yesterday, all our appointments were here in Clarksville... we were there on Monday though!

I hope Kaye is feeling better soon!

Mommy to those Special Ks said...

Hey Sharliss, did you get my email about pictures? If not, let me know and I'll send it again. BTW, You've been tagged here. Enjoy!

carolineb said...

God must really love the 6A gang to have sent you and KJ there. Your loving kindness is good medicine.

Jennie B said...

My husband always says you can tell where people are in the battle by what they complain about. You, my Dear Lady, are on the front lines -which is where Jesus hangs out.

You are blessed and you are a blessing to others. That's what we're here for and you aren't given the opportunity to forget it. Blessings on you today, Sharliss.